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Tere Liye Unveiled: A Spellbinding Live Showcase


It was heavily raining in my city when I needed to travel to another city, which is an hour-long drive. While some might consider it close (I know some of you will say that it is), it didn't seem so years ago. The main reason it feels close now is that I've visited the place frequently this year—I've been there four times. Logically, it feels near due to this familiarity (or that's what I think).
However, this end of the month is different. I had planned to attend a live showcase, or more like a book signing session, by one of the greatest novelists in Indonesia, Bang Tere or Tere Liye. I understand that for the older generation, it may be irrelevant, but for my generation, he is somewhat of a miracle. What can I say? I've read all of his novels, and all I've gained is self-reflection.
People often overlook how self-reflection, or in Islam 'Muhasabah Diri,' is a key element to healing oneself. I've been inspired by all of his characters, and they serve well from an untouchable perspective. So, I truly admire his writing style.
This writing is not about Tere Liye because you can easily Google that. It's about my perspective on this, something you won't find on Google. Long story short, I arrived at 3 p.m. (apparently, my friend was late picking me up). During the ride, we got stuck in a traffic jam, so it took 100 minutes to arrive when it usually only takes 75 minutes. I don't know if I can see it as fortunate, but because we were so late, we missed the talking session. Nevertheless, we made it to the signing session, which was the last minute left. I got his autograph for his new book, 'ily' (pronounced differently by many people) (a little secret, I bought it right away, hehehe...).
In summary, I feel grateful just to meet him. Seeing great people is a privilege, and I think that is awesome. Cheers!

Here, I was in line with friends

a lil cheating, just visiting a big mosque in Semarang City, Masjid Baiturrahman. 


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